In the morning of January 13, 2008 the first meeting of the year for Shin Jin Program core group was held at The Peacemakers' Circle office in Loyola Heights, Quezon City.

Facilitated by Mr. Toots Fungo, the group started with a Divinity In performed by Ms. Norma Correa (NanaMaru member) which preceeded the Touitsu meditation (10-mins.), followed by the declaration and performance of the Divinity-In for the Self (WareSokuKamiNari), for Humanity (JinruiSokuKamiNari), and the Kokyoho spiritual breathing and In.

This was followed by prayers of gratitude to nature and the declaration of the 49 bright words (with the aid of the audio-visual materials).

During the meeting proper, the members touched-base with each other by sharing how they have been since the holiday break and since the last meeting. Organizational matters were then discussed which includes the agenda for the Byakko Phils. satellite organizational meeting in the afternoon.
Attendance includes: 1) Toots F.; 2) Norma C.; 3) Orlan D.; 4) Queen F.; 5) Rio L.; 6) Viannel F. ; and 7) Babes B. (who came in late)