This month, the core group once again met at Isis Women's Center. This center by the way is not linked to terrorists but it is a name of an Egyptian goddess that the Women's Center used. Anyway, the core group discussed about producing dvds about how to write a Mandala, SOPP for several years, what is a divinity in and what does each action mean and many more. We also talked about our group Mandala Peace Arts Initiative as a network of both Byakko Shinko Kai and Peace Makers Circle. As a part of Peace Makers Circle, we shall handle the promotion of Inter-faith and the culture of Peace through rituals, prayers, mandala writing workshops and similar events and activities. Lastly we talked about printing our very own letterhead and revised brochure. Miles See, who is a companion of Oscar Ejercito, served as a consultant in the burning of the dvds and the printing of the letterhead. Gabby Medina, our resident artist and blogger will also give him MPAI's pics and videos for the DVDs.
We also created colorful Mandalas for Peace in France, Turkey and the Philippines.
Here are the finished Mandalas. Hope we'll have more guests next time to be with us in writing Mandalas.
Before we call it a day, we performed the divinity in for our beloved country the Philippines, France and Turkey. May Peace be in these countries and all around the world. May Peace Prevail On Earth. God bless everyone.