10:00am - Arrivals & Kamustahan
- WareSokuKamiNari Divinity-In with Declaration
- Topic Readings and Discussion
11:45am - Touitsu (10-14mins.) - Noon prayer connecting with Fuji Sanctuary (12:45pm Japan time)
12:00nn - Lunch and bonding
1:00pm - 7 Ocean Breaths
- JinruiSokuKamiNari Divinity-In with Declaration
- Discussing & Practicing the Divinity-In in focus for the month
- Meeting on MPAI administrative concerns:
- ShinJin program updates
- Updates from fuji Sanctuary
- Recap & summary
2:50pm - Kokyu-ho IN with specific intentions (anyone may request for special prayers forr any person/s, event, etc.)
3:00pm - End of session
1 comment:
Wonderful work
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