November 9, 2008

The regular monthly meeting of the Byakko Pilipinas / Shinjin Manila satellite group was held in the morning of November 9, 2008 at The Peacemakers' Circle.

Present were Mr. Mario/Toots, Mrs. Gabrillo and baby Shinjin Nicole, OrlanD, Rio, Mia, and later on, Ms. Julieta/ Yeyette.

After prayers, touitsu meditation and ins, the group proceeded with organizational meeting and luncheon meeting.

In the afternoon simultaneous with the regular Mandala-writing workshop, the Intensive Divinity-In workshop was launched. This was co-facilitated by Julieta/Yeyette, Orlan and Norma, the first 3 sessions of which are intended initially for Shinjins, Shinjin trainees, and satellite members.

Those who participated were: Queen, Rio, Arlene N., and Norma B. The first session of the workshop focused on teachings on Breathing and Touitsu, with a little bit on the Morning Divine Task.

At the end of the workshop the group had sometime to view the film "The Moses Code" which sought to inspire everyone on the related work for world peace through the affirmation of one's divinity and living as a manifestation of God.

October 12, 2008

On October 12, 2008 (second Sunday) the Byakko Shinko Kai - Pilipinas Shinjin members held its regular prayer-meditation session and meeting in the morning before the monthly Mandala workshop at The Peacemakers' Circle office in Quezon City.

Present were: 1) Mr. Mario F.; 2) Mrs. Norma G. and baby Shinjin Nicole; 3) Orlan D.; 4) Queen F.; 5) Rio L.; 6) Mia ; 7) Viannel; and also joining us is Marlon N.

Ms. Norma led the performance of the Divinity-Ins while Orlan led the declarations and the reading of the bright words and gratitude to nature.

It was an extra special lunch meeting that day as the members belatedly celebrated the birthdays of the Octoberians with some sweet desserts and cakes.. belated Happy Birthday, Ms. Norma & Ms. Rio!

September 14, 2008

On September 14, 2008 the ShinJin Manila core group held its regular monthly meeting, group touitsu meditation, divinity-ins & prayers at The Peacemakers' Circle.

Present were: Mario Toots F. , Orlan D. , Norma G., Queen F., Rio L., Mia, Yeyette SL, Jaff F., & Baby ShinJin.

August 10, 2008

On August 10, 2008 (Sunday) the ShinJin core group held its regular meeting and prayer sessions in the morning prior to the Mandala-writing workshop at The Peacemakers' Circle office in Quezon City.
Present were: Mr. Toots Fungo; Mr.s Norma Correa-Gabrillo; Mr. Orlan de Guzman, Jr.; Ms. Queen Frilles; Mrs. Rio Lagadia; Ms. Yeyette San Luis; Ms. Viannel Fungo; and Ms. Mia.

In the afternoon, three were initiated to the ShinJin program. They are: Ms. Norma Beltran; Mr. Jaff Flores; and young Ms. Mia (grand daughter of Ms. Rio).

May June July



ShinJin core group meeting (Feb.10, 2008)

On February 10, 2008 (Sunday) the ShinJin program core group held its monthly meeting at The Peacemakers' Circle office in Quezon City.

Present were: 1) Toots F.; 2) Norma C.; 3) Orlan D.; 4) Queen F; and Rio L. who brought along her grand daughter and 3-time mandala workshop attendee, Mia.

The group started with the prayer session, beginning with the declaration of the Creed ("How Man Should Reveal His Inner Self"); followed by a special In performed by Norma (NanaMaru), then a ten-minute Touitsu meditation. Seven Kokyoho Ins were then performed, followed by Prayers of Gratitude to Nature and declaration of the 49 Bright Words.

The session then proceeded with discussions on some organizational matters. Some of the decisions include establishing a "buddy-system" to support and follow-up on the on-going ShinJin training program participants; and having a special Divinity-In workshop session (simultaneous to the monthly Mandala-IN introductory workshop) once every three months. This is to support the growth and establishment of the progressive levels of mandala-writing-- which is hoped to lead to encouragement into the ShinJin program.

Shin Jin Program core group session (Jan. 13, 2008)

In the morning of January 13, 2008 the first meeting of the year for Shin Jin Program core group was held at The Peacemakers' Circle office in Loyola Heights, Quezon City.

Facilitated by Mr. Toots Fungo, the group started with a Divinity In performed by Ms. Norma Correa (NanaMaru member) which preceeded the Touitsu meditation (10-mins.), followed by the declaration and performance of the Divinity-In for the Self (WareSokuKamiNari), for Humanity (JinruiSokuKamiNari), and the Kokyoho spiritual breathing and In.
This was followed by prayers of gratitude to nature and the declaration of the 49 bright words (with the aid of the audio-visual materials).
During the meeting proper, the members touched-base with each other by sharing how they have been since the holiday break and since the last meeting. Organizational matters were then discussed which includes the agenda for the Byakko Phils. satellite organizational meeting in the afternoon.
Attendance includes: 1) Toots F.; 2) Norma C.; 3) Orlan D.; 4) Queen F.; 5) Rio L.; 6) Viannel F. ; and 7) Babes B. (who came in late)