June 2013 Core Group Meeting

     Every event of our group needs to be evaluated by the group so as for the Symphony of Peace Prayers that happened just this May, we evaluated everything last June 16. Over all it was successful and fruitful. Everything fell into place and the event itself was spiritually uplifting for each and everyone of us. For next year's SOPP venue, we decided to again consider Trinity College along E. Rodriguez avenue. We hope that next year's SOPP will just be as successful and spiritually uplifting as this year's SOPP and we hope that many more will join us in our prayers for peace. Also, for this month of July, we shall start our workshop on the Divinity In or Prayer in Motion. Please do join us. This will take place every third Saturday morning of every month starting this month at ISIS. After the Divinity In workshop will be our regular Mandala writing workshop. Please contact us if you are interested to take part on both workshops. See you all soon and God bless! :-)