February 20, 2011 Byakko Spirituality Deepening session

The Mandala Peace Arts Initiative (ShinJin Manila) members started its 2011 monthly Byakko Spirituality Deepening sessions on February 20, 2011 (every third Sunday).

The February session was facilitated by Orlan. The main topic was "Insight into the Divinity IN"

The proposed format every session for the whole month consists of the following:

10:00am - Arrivals & Kamustahan
- WareSokuKamiNari Divinity-In with Declaration
- Topic Readings and Discussion

11:45am - Touitsu (10-14mins.) - Noon prayer connecting with Fuji Sanctuary (12:45pm Japan time)

12:00nn - Lunch and bonding

1:00pm - 7 Ocean Breaths
- JinruiSokuKamiNari Divinity-In with Declaration
- Discussing & Practicing the Divinity-In in focus for the month
- Meeting on MPAI administrative concerns:
- ShinJin program updates
- Updates from fuji Sanctuary
- Recap & summary

2:50pm - Kokyu-ho IN with specific intentions (anyone may request for special prayers forr any person/s, event, etc.)

3:00pm - End of session